Friday, 11 March 2016

A tan less ordinary

Recently I have decided to try and make a bit more of an effort when it comes to my non existent self-tanning routine as Spring is finally here thank god, and Summer is just around the corner. I also have a few events coming up which inevitably means I’ll have to ditch my uniform of jeans and jumpers and slip into a frock. Legs and arms will definitely be exposed, needless to say I cannot subject anyone to my winter white pins. Luckily this little beauty arrived at my door and has been my saving grace.

Bronz’ Express Magic Radiance Drops are little drops of liquid golden sun in a bottle. In a nutshell this magic little bottle allows you to add a few drops of self tanner to your usual skincare product of choice. It gives you a beautiful natural sun kissed glow without compromising your daily beauty regime. It combines with any textures, so if you use cream, gel, fluid or oil based moisturisers for your face and body it will simply enhance these providing you with a natural tan you control. This is the one thing I love about it. I often find it hard to get a good colour match with a self tanner, many come in light, medium or dark shades but none allow you to really control the depth of colour you want and while many do have great skin nourishing ingredients they will not have the same benefits of your carefully chosen daily skincare regime.

How it works
This can be used on both your face and body. Simply put your regular face or body skincare into the palm of your hand. Add the magic radiance drops by pressing the push button located under the bottle. Gently mix the two products together with both hands. Apply with light massages to the face or the body, rinse your hands after. If using on your face add 3 drops to intensify your tan or 2 drops to maintain it. Add 6 drops for your body for a natural glow or 4 to maintain your tan. 
As someone who is a hard sell for this type of product I am genuinely sold. I use it usually in the evening after I’ve removed my makeup etc. but you can use it morning time too as it just commons with your usual moisturiser. There is no self tan smell either which for me is a huge bonus. I know self tanners have evolved and aren’t supposed to smell but in reality most do a little. I’ve used this with a dry oil I’ve been using recently which smells amazing and it hasn’t changed the smell at all.

Overall, this is a great little self tanner, allowing you to tailor make and adjust your own tan requirements.


  1. Sounds good Kell! Do you know where sells it and how much?

  2. Sounds good Kell! Do you know where sells it and how much?
